Career Oppertunities

After completion of a study and training program students are able to pursue their further continuing education or find employment in government or private sector. As mentioned earlier, as there are less and less job off opportunities in KPK an urgent but comprehensive approach to the issue is being made and courses are designed to enhance skills of students to find a decent living in the country or abroad, even on line. For example, according to research, the top 11 in-demand jobs profiles of 2024 include,

Data Scientist

Data Analyst

Blockchain Engineer

UX Designer

Cyber Security Engineer

Cloud Ceveloper

Develops Engineer

Digital Marketing

Career paths associated with each course, such as hospital placements, IT industry positions, and field works are discussed with students for their motivation and knowledge.

Studend Life and Activities

At RIPL we organize events, seminars and activities where students realize their other qualities as well. Our Innovation Club is now attracting students from other institutes and colleges so the knowledge can be shared and an interactive learning and communication can engage students in career development programs .

One to 2 day travelling trips or one day cricket competition provide and out of class room opportunities to students, even one dish lunch party which students organize in the institute.